With Finteo

Your financial status is always under control!

Open Banking


Open Banking can be defined as a common platform comprised of secure methods and technologies between financial institutions and Fintechs that allows users to access their financial data with their permission and within the conditions determined in the legal framework.

The driving force of Open Banking is the data economy, and this system enables the customer who owns the data to be in control.
Thanks to this control mechanism, customers can access their financial data more quickly and with a consolidated perspective, as well as decide for themselves with whom and how they want to share their data.

Banks contribute to the development of the financial sector by establishing collaborations to counter changing and diversifying customer demands by generating and sharing customer data in a secure and much more standardized structure.

On the other hand, third party companies, that is us (FINTEO), offer a developing financial technology with faster results by accessing the systems of all banks with the standard interface (API) they have developed and reaching customer data.

In conclusion,
After Internet Banking and Mobile Banking, Open Banking has enabled the financial business conduct of individuals/institutions to become a simple, fast, secure and technological system that is completely under their control.

